Version 11
Version 10
Version 9
Version 8
Version 7
Version 6
Version 1
You can use the slider to get a thumbnail review of pages before they are actually shown in the viewer.
is a LinearLayout
that contains an AppCompatSeekBar
to change pages, and two AppCompatImageButton
on the left and right side. When sliding the seekbar, it displays a small page preview on top of the thumbnail slider.
To set up your layout with the thumbnail slider, add a <ThumbnailSlider>
element to your XML layout. For example, your layout may look like this:
Then, attach a PDFViewCtrl
to the thumbnail slider. If PDFViewCtrl
is in the same layout, you can set it by adding the app:pdfviewctrlId
If PDFViewCtrl
is not in the same layout, you can programmatically set it to a thumbnail slider by calling setPdfViewCtrl(PDFViewCtrl)
You can change the image drawable of the left menu item and right menu item buttons by adding the app:leftMenuItemDrawable
and app:rightMenuItemDrawable
attributes in your xml layout.
Additionally, you can remove the left and right slider buttons by setting the drawables to null:
You can also change the buttons programmatically by calling setMenuItem(@DrawableRes int, @MenuItemPosition int)
. The second parameter determines the position of the button which is either POSITION_LEFT
You can add a menu item clicked event listener by calling MenuItemClicked
to be notified when one of the left or right buttons is clicked.
You can set a thumbnail slider seekbar event listener by calling ThumbSliderStartTrackingTouch
and ThumbSliderStopTrackingTouch
You can customize the color of the left and right menu buttons as well as the seekbar by setting a custom style to the thumbnail_slider
attribute in your apps's theme. The custom style must extend ThumbnailSliderStyle
. For example:
If you want to further customize the seekbar's layout attributes and appearance, such as padding and height, you can override the default seekbar style Resource.Style.ThumbnailSliderStyle.Seekbar
by declaring the following in Resources/Values/styles.xml
For API < 21:
For API >= 21:
The seekbar progress bar drawable can be customized by overriding the seek_track_material.xml
drawable file. Similarly, the seekbar thumbnail drawable can be changed by overriding the seek_thumb.xml
drawable file. For reference, the source code for these drawables can be found in the lib\src\PDFViewCtrlTools\res\drawable
folder of the SDK package.
Attribute | Description | Format |
| Specifies the | Reference |
| Specifies the content description of left menu item. | String |
| Specifies the content description of right menu item. | String |
| Specifies left menu item drawable resource. | Reference |
| Specifies right menu item drawable resource. | Reference |
| Specifies background color. Uses default system background color if not defined. | Color |
| Specifies seekbar progress bar and thumb color. | Color |
| Specifies left menu item color. | Color |
| Specifies right menu item color. | Color |
| Specifies whether the shadow will appear. Default value: | Boolean |
The PTThumbnailSliderViewController
class allows the user to quickly navigate through a document. When using the slider control, a small page preview pop will be shown on top of the thumbnail slider.
Note: If you are using the new UI, we recommend the PTDocumentSliderViewController
class, which displays a scroll indicator for the current scroll position and allows the user to quickly skip through pages.
The thumbnail slider control is part of the Tools library, so make sure you have added the Tools library to your project.
To create and set up a thumbnail slider, supply a PTPDFViewCtrl
instance to the PTThumbnailSliderViewController
designated initializer:
The thumbnail images shown in the thumbnail slider view controller are generated by the GetThumbAsync:
method of the PTPDFViewCtrl
class. When ready, the thumbnail images are provided to the pdfviewCtrl
's delegate via the pdfViewCtrl:gotThumbAsync:thumbImage:
In your class adopting the PTPDFViewCtrlDelegate
protocol (usually the same view controller containing the thumbnail slider view controller), add the following:
The PTThumbnailSliderViewController
provides a flexible API for displaying buttons on either side of the slider control. This is possible with the following properties:
- a single UIBarButtonItem
to the left of the slider.LeadingToolbarItems
- an array of UIBarButtonItem
s to the left of the slider.TrailingToolbarItem
- a single UIBarButtonItem
to the right of the slider.TrailingToolbarItems
- an array of UIBarButtonItem
s to the right of the slider.
It is also possible to remove these buttons by setting the appropriate property to nil.
For example, to show a button to present a PTThumbnailsViewController
on the left of the slider, and a button to present a PTNavigationListsViewController
on the right:
The PTThumbnailSliderViewDelegate
protocol allows the adopting class (usually the containing view controller, as in this guide) to be notified when the user is actively using the thumbnail slider. The thumbnail slider already handles changing the current page in response to user actions, but the delegate methods can be used to hide or show other content as appropriate.
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