Version 11
Version 10
Version 9
Version 8
Version 7
Version 6
Version 1
project for iOS is an open source Objective-C project. Although a number of UI controls and tools are provided out-of-the-box, there may be behavior that you would want to change to best suit your own project. The best way to do so will be diving into the source code.
Before you get started, it is a good idea to first have some basic knowledge on the topic. Xamarin provides a comprehensive guide on Binding Objective-C and we recommend you to briefly go through it. Please note that you will not need to create a binding project as it is already provided in the package.
Apryse iOS SDK for Xamarin is a completely open source binding project. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to create PDFTron.iOS.Tools
from source.
package belowPDFNetiOS
package belowPDFNetiOS
package, update the /Lib/Tools/src/PDFViewCtrlTools
project in Xcode as you wishTools.framework
by clean build from Xcode, the output can be found in /PDFViewCtrlTools/build/Release-Universal
folder, make sure your build configuration in Xcode looks like the following:Tools.framework
from previous step to PDFNetXamarin.iOS/lib/ios/Native
from PDFNetiOS/Framework-dynamic
to PDFNetXamarin.iOS/lib/ios/Native
folder, your PDFNetXamarin.iOS/lib/ios/Native
folder should now look like this:PDFNetXamarin.iOS
package, open /projectSrc/PDFNetiOSXamarin/PDFNetiOSXamarin.sln
in Visual Studio for MacPDFViewCtrlTools
in PDFNetXamarin.iOS/lib/ios
folderDid you find this helpful?
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