Add a license key
Add a video license key
Find your WebViewer version number
Self serving substitute fonts
Use a Content Security Policy
Transpiling JavaScript
Close a document
What type of server can WebViewer be hosted on?
How to use WebViewer with IE9 and IE10?
How to use WebViewer with IE11?
How to upgrade to new WebViewer version?
How to load a tiff file?
Where to find code snippets for WebViewer 5.0 or earlier?
Where to get WebViewer nightly build?
Load updated WebViewer files without clearing cache
Disable localStorage usage
Enable file attachment list
WebAssembly Threads
How to enable inline comment feature and right-click annotation menu
How to save and load a custom property on an annotation?
FreeHandAnnotation creation delay
Separate opacity for fill and stroke
How to use annotation selection styling from before version 7.3
Why does tabbing between form fields go in the wrong order?
Loading errors
Slow loading
MIME types
CORS support
Content encoding warnings
Why do my PDF colors look different in WebViewer?
Angular project integration issues
ASP.NET or Blazor integration issues
WebViewer infinite loading loop
My custom header element is not rendering when using a polyfill (IE)
Why full screen button is disabled on iPhone
Why does my office file only have 1 page in documentLoaded?
Why do I get React invalid hook error with custom components?
Chrome 77 printing not working
PNaCl modules can only be used on the open web
What is WebViewer Server?
Install Issues
Manual Load Balancing
What is the BCID?
Retrieving Container Information
Changing the HTTP cache directory
Mounting a Docker Data Volume
Modifying WebViewer Server
Supporting XRefs
Sharing WebViewer instance across components
Why is the viewer showing "Network Failure"?
"npx: not found" errors when trying to install the dependencies
Does the Apryse SDK support XFA/LifeCycle PDF forms?
How to extract XML from a XFA PDF form?
Open cordova or ionic links in external browser
You may need to install npx directly. Execute
1sudo npm i -g npx
and re-execute npm install.
npm install
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